Paradiso eLearning Blog

Performance-based learning helps organizations achieve faster business goals

63 % of businesses found their training ineffective – and how performance-based learning can help (PBL). Companies in the United States spent $90.6 billion on corporate training in 2017. However, only 37% of these businesses believed their training was effective. Many L&D leaders have had great success creating educational content for their employees. Businesses benefit from effective employee learning in improved customer interactions, increased productivity, and more.

Many businesses have yet to realize that learning and development practices are most effective when integrated into a personalized employee experience. Even if it is replicated via an online interface, traditional classroom training does not always provide the best return on your training dollars.

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Performance-based learning is the answer!

PBL is a new way of organizing and accelerating employee learning by using data-driven algorithms to link specific learning activities and content to your employees’ performance. On the surface, it’s a mobile or desktop platform that analyzes your employees’ performance and recommends personalized training activities based on that data using machine learning. In essence, it’s a training strategy that prioritizes employees and their performance during the learning process.

What is performance-based training?

Performance-based training focuses on specific outcomes and then sets expectations, provides feedback, introduces tools, rewards skill development, teaches new skills and knowledge, and so on, all to encourage behavior that leads to the desired result.

How can a Learning Management System (LMS) help performance-based learning effectively?

Employee knowledge is managed and brought in line with the actual needs of the business using a performance-based training approach implemented within an LMS framework, resulting in increased job efficiency and overall company success.

Using an LMS is critical because it allows you to:

  • Track and evaluate results
  • Effortlessly deliver training materials
  • Automate the training process
  • Cut cost in training
  • Retain highly qualified employees
  • A comprehensive reporting system

Make a performance-based goal that works

Performance-based objectives must be carefully crafted because they serve as the foundation for deciding what content to keep and exclude from the course. In addition, they decide on the instructional design strategy to be used and the assessment questions to be included in the course.

The following 3 characteristics of a performance-based learning objective were defined by Dr Robert Mager, a renowned expert on training and performance improvement:

  • Performance:

    Explain what the learner is expected to be able to do in terms of performance (tangible performance)

  • Condition:

    The situation or environment in which the performance is expected to take place is referred to as the condition (where the performance takes place)

  • Criteria:

    The level of competence that must be attained or exceeded to succeed (passing grade/score).

These three terms together describe what a learner will be able to do after completing the training activity in specific and measurable terms.

As we all know, performance-based objectives are intended to produce measurable outcomes, so the desired results must be clearly defined and how they will be assessed, observed, or measured.

  • Performance-based objectives can also help learners understand how they can apply what they’ve learned in the real world.
  • For example, after receiving negotiation skills training, a salesperson should be able to better negotiate with customers.
  • These objectives should include action words that describe what the course will provide learners to know what they will be able to do when they have completed it.
  • If any training program is effective, its performance-based objectives must be linked to the organization’s business goals.
  • Well-crafted learning objectives establish a close relationship between training, business goals, and performance.
  • Employee performance improves due to practical training, which leads to achieving business objectives. And it all starts with your goals that are based on performance.

How does performance-based learning help in effective training?

The failure to apply that knowledge is the root of the majority of L&D issues. It’s easy to deliver learning modules the way we’ve always done them, but it comes at a high cost. Instead, you can identify each employee’s strengths and weaknesses and fill their skill gaps using a performance-based approach to training.

What you teach in performance-based learning is precisely what each employee needs to learn, and they can put it to use right away.

  • Allow your employees plenty of time to learn and supervise their training paths.
  • Small, practical activities that can be completed quickly and easily make up a typical PBL program.
  • Enables managers to set micro and macro goals for their workforces while encouraging employees to continue their education and work.
  • Data-driven solutions will be able to provide the appropriate exercises at the proper times to help each employee improve their performance.
  • Make learning competitive, collaborative, or both to engage your employees at a higher level.
  • When switching to a new learning platform, make sure you and your employees are comfortable with it.

It’s no longer enough to create content and distribute it to your employees. The best L&D professionals see themselves as strategic partners to executives, delivering the most significant business results through L&D practices. Creating or enhancing a learning culture in your organization will be the most effective strategy.


Setting learning objectives is integral to any e-learning course’s design phase. Learners are told what they should be able to do (perform) at the end of the course by learning objectives. Every company has its unique set of objectives, but some objectives are universal: increase sales, improve efficiency, and maintain compliance regardless of the industry.

These objectives are tied to every aspect of an employee’s performance. Only desired human performance can achieve performance-based objectives cascade from desired business goals. For example, if the company’s goal is to increase efficiency by reducing production time, training should focus on helping employees better manage their time.