Does Paradiso have videos or content to understand the platform?

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adamgarone Hamza12 answered

I would like to get some videos to understand better the platform

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SofiSS SofiSS answered

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AmusedAvocado AmusedAvocado answered

Video games? I asked my father for you, because nobody is playing video games these days anymore. But he was negative, too. Even though since retiring, he’s had a lot of free time, maybe too much. That’s when my sister found lottery 7 for him. It’s not just color prediction games; it’s an opportunity to learn something new and keep his mind sharp. The user interface is friendly for us not-so-tech-savvy folks, which is a blessing.

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gregoryhutchison gregoryhutchison answered

Hi Adam.

Paraiso has a portal with many videos which can illustrate you how its platform works.

Hope they help you!




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