What is the need of corporate LMS?
Can anyone explain the need for corporate LMS, It helps us to create more credibility and easy to control flagle work
Organizations use LMS to provide a platform to their employees so that they can gather there and discuss any information regarding the subject they are given. I’ve used such LMS in an online CV writing service in Ireland where they are used for employees’ personal development.
A corporate LMS basically takes all aspects of elearning and encompassed them into one consolidated system to provide the users easy access to the training materials as per their convenience, while enabling trainers to keep regular track of the employee’s progress.
A corporate LMS is a definite cost saver, with instructor costs, classroom rents, and miscellaneous other costs like transportation and equipment costs being eliminated due to the online platform.
Additionally, the organized training material in the LMS reduced the time otherwise spent on planning, managing and delivering training materials to the learners.