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The specialty gamer cupcakes sold at LA Sweetz Bakery were created to perfectly relate to the game, each tile represents a unique and delicious flavor and the objective is to combine them and create the ultimate 2048 tile cupcake experience One of the best ways to beat 2048 is by keeping your largest number in a corner. I generally keep my biggest number in the top right, and have my next biggest number just to the left of it. Using this method, going down is not preferred, but it does have to happen sometimes. If two tiles of the same number collide while moving, they will merge into a tile with the total value of the two tiles that collided. The resulting tile cannot merge with another tile again in the same move. Higher-scoring tiles emit a soft glow; the largest possible tile is TLC's Cake Boss, Buddy Valastro, shows you how


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  • Member for 6 months, 30 days
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  • Last seen November 8, 2023


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