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TOP 5 Ways to Boost Member Engagement Digitally

Strategies to Encourage Member Engagement Digitally

Maintaining a multifaceted and accessible online presence will keep all of your members interested in your organization’s offerings. As per research, 9 out of 10 adults in the United States use the internet. As a result, you meet your members where they already make sense.

In addition, many members want to network or advance their careers, and being a member of an association can provide them with many opportunities. Finally, consider strategies to encourage member engagement digitally to help you attract a younger audience while also streamlining your internal operations.

Members will stay engaged in your organization if the courses, events, and programs closely match their professional needs and interests.

What exactly is Member Engagement?

Every suggestion in the following list has to do with boosting member engagement. But what exactly is member engagement? It all comes down to attention in the world of membership marketing. It’s about forming a bond with your members, adding value to their lives, and capturing their attention to remind them of your role in it.

Member engagement training is essential for developing a holistic skilled member base by adding actual value to what they learn.  

Strategies to Encourage Member Engagement Digitally in 5 steps

Association membership is enriching, especially when the organization prioritizes digital member engagement. Members appreciate an association that offers a variety of events and learning opportunities. Associating can help members network and advance their careers. 

Associations should encourage lifelong employability and professional advancement, so engage your members. As your association grows, so should its digital member engagement strategies. Digital member engagement strategies can attract young workers and streamline operations. 

To add more value to the process, associations increase digital member engagement as effectively as possible. Let’s look at how Paradiso LMS can help you with the member engagement tactics and strategies to encourage member engagement digitally. 

1. Create programming to meet the needs of your members

Your members will benefit from continuing education courses, conferences, and programs that will help them build professional networks and advance their careers. The information in your software solution can assist you in creating programming that benefits your members. Look for a system with the following features-

  • Native to or can be integrated with a CRM/AMS

    If your organization already uses a CRM system to collect and store member information, make sure the LMS you choose is compatible. Even more efficient is an LMS that is integrated with your CRM or AMS.

  • Avatars for members (customizable profiles)

    Your members should be able to update their profiles. For example, professional certifications and areas of expertise should be listed in member profiles, as this is a valuable resource for members looking to expand their networks.

  • Automated Communication

    Your team will be able to keep members up to date on the latest news, events, and offerings by using automated email communications. In addition, chapter leaders should be able to use mechanical communication features if they have them.

“Paradiso’s powerful eLearning and association learning LMS technology drives seamless member engagement effectively.”


2. Demographic Research to Improve Communication

Did you know that knowing a person’s generation can reveal their giving habits? For example, Millennials donate an average of $481 to charity. In addition, 59% of GenZ (digital natives) donors were inspired by social media messaging to give to a charity!

You know whom to target with fundraising requests if you have a sizeable Millennial audience. Aside from that, social media is probably the best way to reach your younger members. These and other insights can be gained through ongoing donor research.

Donor research is the process of using information about your donors to guide your gift-raising strategy. Observing your nonprofit’s demographics can provide valuable insights for future actions!

The possibility of social discovery is even more intriguing, which extends this examination. Therefore, this type of donor research focuses on members’ social media profiles to learn about their interests, digital influence, professional connections, and contact information.

It also tells you which social media platforms your members use and how they interact with others. Given that the average adult uses at least three social media platforms, you’re sure to find valuable data to guide your outreach!

3. Encourage members to participate in educational activities

Your members’ profiles contain various information, including their continuing education records. By providing them with additional courses, you can assist them in exploring even more educational opportunities.

Your members joined your organization because they value professional development and career advancement opportunities. Continuing education classes are an important—and often required—part of that growth. Your association can make continuing education easier for its members by providing courses through an association learning management system (LMS).

Whether your organization is selecting an LMS for the first time or upgrading an existing system, look for the following features in the best LMS software solutions:

  • Customizable courses and modules

    When your courses meet the specific educational needs of your members, they will be eager to sign up.

  • Gamification and interactive learning

    Scoreboards and interactive multimedia presentations of crucial information increase member engagement.

  • Social learning opportunities

    The ability to host live learning events for members in specific geographic regions encourages participation.

4. Boost your brand with eCommerce

Selling branded merchandise at events isn’t the only way to boost your association’s revenue. Your digital strategy can help you year-round. Your AMS should make it secure and straightforward when members want to buy your association’s products and services.

Your AMS should help you promote your association by selling branded merchandise or distributing continuing education courses with:

  • Customize pricing
  • Secure payments

With so many strategies for brand management and a reliable eCommerce system, your members will want to take advantage of everything your association offers. Whether you’ve recently expanded your online store or have other news to share, keep your website updated to keep members informed.

5. Update members via your website

Your members know to visit your website for the latest news about your association. A user-friendly website will help them find the information they need and learn more about your association’s offerings.

The best association websites are quick, easy, and flexible. Much of your material can be presented as web pages, which your members must keep current. When assessing your website, make sure:

  • Easy to use layout

    Convenient navigation helps members find what they need and engages them more deeply with your content.

  • Popular pages are easily found

    Event registration pages, member login links, and other frequently visited pages should be visible immediately upon arrival and easily accessible from the homepage.

  • Easy updates for your team

    Choose a content management system (CMS) that your association’s staff can easily update and use for your members.


Prepare strategies to encourage member engagement digitally and enhance your association’s digital community. However, this requires a dedicated membership management system and comprehensive tools. Make sure to choose the right tool that has good reporting capabilities so you can improve in the future.

Your members will want to stay engaged with your association if your offerings meet their personal and professional needs. The most efficient way to stay connected to your members and encourage future engagement is online.

Well-planned member engagement tactics and a digital strategy based on member needs and interests will help your association’s programming succeed. However, technology and software can be intimidating when you don’t know how to use them; contact us to get started.