Best LMS Platform to
Sell Courses Online

A one-stop shop AI-powered eCommerce LMS
to create, deliver, market and sell courses online

Sell courses online

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Create and sell online training courses with the most affordable eCommerce LMS Platform

Selling courses online can help your business reach new markets and increase sales and revenues. But before creating and selling courses online, let’s ponder why we should even mind. The most evident objective is to generate revenue through selling courses online. Apart from the cost of online course development being effective, what makes these online courses so appealing is that you’re selling digital content that you designed once but can reuse and sell for years, with no extra shipping costs.

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to sell courses online

A profitable online course should be:

Related to subject that you are knowledgeable about or have expertise in

Something that you hone in teaching

Subjects that potential students are willing to pay for

Courses that you create and sell online are often prerecorded. Still, they may also provide live class sessions, pdfs, tasks and assignments, and other features that give the students an experience nearly similar to in-person classes. While you begin to create and sell courses online, you must keep track of the market size, calculate the size of your audience, gauge the email listing, and have all the training content handy: videos/vlogs, podcasts, blog posts, etc. Launching courses online allows you to reach out to individuals you would not have reached otherwise. Paradiso LMS helps you to expand your business beyond the four walls, breaking geographical barriers.

Pre-recorded Videos

Pre-recorded Videos

Webinars & Live sessions

Webinars & Live sessions

Mastermind groups

Mastermind groups

Instructor Feedback

Instructor Feedback

Assignments & projects

Assignments & projects

Online communuties

Online communities

How to create and sell your online courses?

Online courses make learning all the more accessible. You get the opportunity to build something from ground zero. A comprehensive eCommerce learning management system (LMS), such as Paradiso LMS, allows your courses to be created and uploaded online with mobile-friendly and responsive video content. Operating on the platform and controlling your entire online institute is super easy. You can enhance the user experience by leveraging the massive features of the Paradiso Course Library. So, how do you sell online courses?

How to create and sell your online courses
Create your Course using Online Course Creation Platform

“Paradiso believes specific courses can be easier to sell than broader concept”

Create your Course using Online Course Creation Platform

Now that you’ve figured out what you’re good at, it’s time to consider topics for your online course. Identifying what the learners are dealing with and thinking of the subjects as solutions to these issues is a smart way to develop course topics. You’ll learn about some of the challenging problems based on experience. Still, you can also find out other things by following conversations in social media groups, niche forums, or other online communities. We at Paradiso also believe in brainstorming.

So, let’s say you are going to create something related to a photo editing niche; how can you try to be more specific about the topic?

  • How to photo edit (very broad)
  • How to photo edit on computer (still broad)
  • How to photo edit in background (specific)
  • How to photo edit in lightroom (more specific)

Build an audience while you create courses online to sell

Prepare and sign up for email marketing software and build an audience. Think about this as money in the bank. The more people on your list, the better your online presence will be. But don’t just go chasing numbers. Attract the correct type of people while you create online courses to sell. People who would be interested in a course designed by you. What can help you in this process? You can build your audience by offering something free. Something like a PDF! What Next? You can promote this free PDF with some CTA strategies on social media. Use social media to share and build your presence after you create online courses to sell.

Most people consider funnels and email lists only when the course goes live. Paradiso Solutions believes when you’ve settled on a niche, the safest way is to start creating your email list as soon as possible.

create and sell online courses in 2023

Validate your course topic

As a beginner in course creation, creators tend to skip this part in the enthusiasm to create and sell an online course. This is where miscalculation occurs and things don’t go as planned. Without validation, creators spend a lot of time and money to create an online course which just doesn’t sell. Validation is important to make sure there is demand and creators don’t just simply create a course but actually sell those courses online too.

But how do you validate your topic?

One can validate course topic by checking the search volumes for related keywords on Google. Additionally, there is a lot of software in the market that can help you gauge the search volume related to specific keywords. A high-volume for keyword will directly mean that people are interested in your topic. Hence the validation! You can also come across relatable topics people are looking for and help fine tune your information.

Plan and Design your Course Online

Prior to creating the content, you will have to create an outline for your course to make the process organized and focused. Focus on the learners’ needs or the end results of the course that you are creating. Divide the course into smaller modules that will help the learners achieve the milestone to get the desired results. Remember each module should have some meaningful message or objective of its own.

Decide your Course Form: PDF, Videos, Live Videos?

Content creation for courses involves a lot of trial and error and will take some time. Creators generally use PDF files for creating checklists, worksheets, case studies, and other support documents for their courses. Users can prefer to deliver their course content live. If that’s the case, you can use web conferencing applications such as Paradiso Meet to deliver live videos, record them and upload to your course lessons.

Drive and retain traffic to sell courses online

You might have an awesome online course and a killer strategy in place but without traffic, you won’t have much success. You can promote your course on social media platforms and the key is to pick one social media channel that you think will work best for your niche and your content, and then go all-in with that. Whether it is video content or a podcast, choose the apt social media channel for gaining traffic.

Promote your course online

In order to sell a course, you first need to get your course online! What you’ll need for that is an online course platform that lets you host your content, create a member’s area, deliver your course and engage your students. If you would like to see a list of options, you can check this, top content development companies' article. Of all the content development software out there, Paradiso Solutions stand tall and offers all the services to help you create custom courses that are SCORM and Tin Can API compliant, which helps you run your courses in every employee training platform.

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