How to Select a Customer Training LMS

When selecting an LMS platform for trainers or teachers, it is important to evaluate each option available in the market. In order to make sure that the most appropriate system is chosen, different factors may be taken into consideration, like the following ones that we enumerate:


1) Straightforward User Interface


One of the first aspects of a training platform that can be observed right away is the user interface.


The interface must be easy to navigate, reliable, online and cloud-based. No matter how comprehensive the training may be, the platform is useless unless the employees are able to use it without getting confused or frustrated too much.


The small number of keystrokes, for example, is ideal when logging into it and using it. The technology should be effectively taken advantage of, and it should not get in the way.


Of course, the platform must still be functional. The bottom line is it should encourage learning such that the employees will actually want to use it. This is a similar way how to train customers.


2) Reliable and Measurable Metrics

The platform should be able to provide reliable metrics that shows the effect of the training on the performance of the customer service team.


3) Type of Customer Training LMS


There are many systems used for training purposes, you have to evaluate a solution that fits with your particular needs. For example, the LMS can be used to manage and track progress records. Offline and online sessions can be scheduled, and diagnosed. In addition to this, the assessment and post evaluation can be administered.


For those constantly on the go, a mobile system may be ideal. For those with specific instruction needs, a system that makes it easy to develop customized platforms is best. Linking to resources on the web as well as uploading existing presentation files should be supported.


4) Scalability

Irrespective of the location and the number of employees that need training, the platform must be able to reach out to a lot of people without the quality of the training program getting compromised.


5) Social learning opportunities

For maximized functionality, the platform should support collaborative tools such as messaging, blogging, and other methods that encourages interaction with colleagues, mentors and experts as well as engagement within the extended communities of practice


6) Sufficient interaction between the employees and the instructors

Related to the previous point of considering opportunities for social learning, employees must be able to easily post their queries. Other employees would be capable of responding in real-time.


7) Stability

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For a cloud-based platform, a reliable uptime is important in making sure that the training modules are readily accessible whenever needed. When selecting a platform, it is important to consider the security and data center capabilities of the company. There must also be a service level agreement regarding the uptime of the platform.


The server must be secure and robust enough to support the uploading, storing and sharing of learning resources. Whether the study materials are useful for performance support or for face-to-face learning, such platforms can complement blended learning.


8) Responsive support team

If any technical issue arises, employees must be able to easily contact a support team representative right away. Support over the phone as well as other communication platforms are ideal. In general words, the customer training LMS and its interface should be as customizable as possible.

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