Best Practices in Customer Training Program

An effective customer training program includes an on-the-job training experience that allows the employees to see and get an idea of what issues and conflicts they would be handling on their own after the instruction process. This allows them to become aware of how employees interact with the customers, how they respond and how issues are resolved.


New employees may be allowed to listen in to real-time conversations with clients. Follow-up questions may be asked afterwards. Once ready, they may be entitled to handle the calls for around an hour or two with supervision from the coach, the manager or a more experienced employee.



Take advantage of new technologies.

The training should incorporate consumer technologies into the support channels if possible. Today, there are many ways to connect with people. By making customer service available on as many platforms available, the company can reach out to more existing and potential customers.

Aside from phone calls, customer service representatives should be trained on how to engage with the customer through these platforms, which include SMS, web chat, video chat and even social media.


Aside from communications platforms, e-learning corporate solutions that can help track progress and allow on-the-go training are very advantageous.


Empower the employees

When training employees, many may want to focus on the technical aspect of customer service, which is crucial in effectively handling inquiries, issues and complaints. However, aside from this, it is also important to remember to empower the employees themselves. For example, employees can be given a certain level of autonomy in addressing customer issues.


Several companies, for example, encourage employees to use their best judgment in all situations. Other companies give autonomy concerning handling a certain amount of money explicitly used for conflict resolution.


Within an empowering environment, employees can feel more confident and comfortable listening to customers and actually holding conversations with them instead of just mechanically answering their questions quickly, concisely and impersonally.


Develop people skills

In connection with that, an e-learning LMS that focuses on developing people skills outside the company is also essential. Good relationships between the company and its customers are at the core of good customer service. Employees must never forget that.


Encourage the employees to sign up for

Actions of top customer service representatives may be highlighted, and consistent top performers may even be rewarded. Focusing on and reiterating which activities were correctly or excellently performed is essential. These rewards may also be used to demonstrate which actions should be followed by positively reinforcing them. For example, an employee may be rewarded for receiving positive feedback from a customer he or she has helped but not for quickly resolving a conflict. In this case, the quality of the service is highlighted instead of the speed.


Continue the customer training program.

As the employees learn more from training and experience, the customer service level should improve. Ongoing training or coaching can be applied for continuously adapt and improve service. The best solutions are Internet-based, customizable, reliable and supported by reputable sources.


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