Paradiso eLearning Blog

Capitalize on the CRM-LMS Combined Functionality with Moodle Salesforce Integration

Moodle Salesforce

There mustn’t be a single soul in the e-learning arena who doesn’t know about Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment). It’s a free, open source e-learning platform that packs in a robust set of teaching and learning tools. It is the most widely used LMS portal that has more than 68 million users that are growing by the day.

Talking about Salesforce, it is a widely-used cloud-based CRM that allows the sales personnel to monitor and analyze the customer pipeline, so they can forecast sales and plan ahead. Salesforce also helps in optimum customer management, so that there is lesser human intervention required.

Mix this widespread use of Salesforce CRM with the reputation of Moodle, and you get a potent Moodle Salesforce integration. This amalgamation will help you set up a hassle free system for your clients, while creating an effective personalized learning experience. 

Moodle Salesforce Integration – A Quick Lowdown

Moodle Salesforce integration brings to you the best of both worlds, i.e. the CRM – LMS functionality. This blended platform maintains sales and customer relationship management seamlessly across the organization. The Moodle Salesforce integration is often referred to as ‘MoodleForce’ as well. In the user interface of Salesforce, Moodle gets embedded as a separate tab.  

To give you a lay person perspective, data from both these softwares work in a two-way sync with each other. The user can enter the CRM-LMS instance with a single sign on (SSO) i.e. SSO helps the user sign into Moodle using their sign up information from Salesforce.  

Data from Salesforce can be accessed in Moodle for varied purposes of reporting and printing of certificates of those learners who have completed a specific course successfully. Besides, vital customer data like their addresses, birth dates, etc., can be pulled from Salesforce into Moodle.   

Speaking of movement of data from Moodle to Salesforce, the managers/admins can assign courses to the customers/employers/students’ data present in Salesforce and track their course progress in real time or periodically, and this can be done from anywhere in the world at anytime. Besides, auto-registration or auto-enrollment of new students to certain courses can be done with the Moodle Salesforce integration.

Advanced reporting can be done regards to the statistics of the e-learning undertakings. The Moodle Salesforce integration helps the key decision makers, like the HR, adjudge the return on investment (ROI) of their learning initiatives. It helps them decide whether or not to implement additional training.  

Moodle Salesforce integration works best for the people who don’t have the boon of residue time to login into two different softwares to fetch data. And we, at Paradiso Solutions, have figured that out. Hence, all the entrepreneurs and business executives who run a hectic daily schedule, Moodle Salesforce integration may be the perfect tool for you!

Moodle Salesforce Integration – Distinct Features

  1. Maintenance of certificate records:

    All the vital information of the students such as names, birth dates, address of a student/learner/user is stored in Salesforce. Whenever a certificate or transcript needs to be printed, Moodle pulls all this information from Salesforce, puts it on the certificate and eventually, it renders a complete certificate with all the necessary data. After the certificate gets printed, all the data from Moodle gets deleted, and eventually the certificate gets stored in Salesforce. If at a later stage, suppose a student wants his/her certificate after 10 years, he can get it from the Salesforce without a hassle.

    User database synchronization:

    If a new user needs to be created, Salesforce will search for the existing data for any matching data in the entire system. If there exists previous data for the user, then the system will update the information. On the other hand, if the user is new, it’ll create a new account for the user with the available information. This newly created account is eventually synchronized between both the systems. This ordered data sync becomes possible only because of the Moodle Salesforce integration.

Moodle Salesforce Integration – Benefits

  1. The Moodle Salesforce integration can double up as an LMS e-commerce platform solution, where the client can sell multiple courses and software under a fully secured network.
  2. With the use of Moodle Salesforce integration, it is possible to track and promote customer training.
  3. Access to training becomes easy, participation increases and eventually the Moodle Salesforce integration encourages goals of improvement.
  4. In the Moodle Salesforce integration, the LMS records in Salesforce helps meet the compliance and auditory needs of departments like the HR.
  5. This integration substantially reduces the costs of personnel/staff required and eventually accuracy gets enhanced.

With the Moodle Salesforce integration, you can remotely control your business, while also focusing on the development and branding of your products. Allow this Moodle Salesforce integration to reduce your workload while you increase the profit margins. If you have a product idea or you need a custom solution, in the form of a best LMS, for your own organization that requires Moodle Salesforce integration. Contact us today or call us at +1 800 513 5902.