What is AICC? Overview, Benefits and Modern Alternatives

What is AICC?

AICC, or the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee, was formed to standardize computer-based training in aviation. It developed guidelines for courseware and learning management system interoperability. This facilitated seamless sharing of digital training materials across platforms. Their standards influenced broader e-learning sectors beyond aviation. AICC’s work contributed to the development of SCORM, a widely adopted e-learning standard.

Advantages of AICC

1. Interoperability:

AICC standards ensure compatibility across different learning management systems (LMS) and training content, enabling seamless integration and usage across various platforms in the aviation industry.

2. Flexibility and Scalability:

The guidelines accommodate a wide range of training scenarios and technologies, allowing organizations to scale and adapt their training programs as technology evolves.

3. Industry-Specific Focus:

AICC’s focus on the aviation industry means that its standards are tailored to address the unique training requirements and safety standards of this sector.

4. Contribution to Broader E-Learning Standards:

AICC’s guidelines influenced the development of broader e-learning standards, like SCORM, enhancing the quality and compatibility of e-learning content across different sectors.

5. Cost-Effectiveness:

By promoting standardized training materials that are widely compatible, AICC helps reduce costs associated with developing and maintaining multiple versions of training content for different platforms.

Disadvantages of AICC

The AICC standards, while pioneering in the field of e-learning and computer-based training, have certain disadvantages:

Outdated Technology:

As technology has advanced, some aspects of AICC standards have become outdated, particularly in comparison to newer standards like xAPI (Tin Can) and updated SCORM versions.

Complex Implementation:

Implementing AICC standards can be complex and technical, requiring specific expertise, which can be a barrier for some organizations.

Limited Functionality:

Compared to newer e-learning standards, AICC may offer limited functionality, particularly in tracking detailed learner interactions and providing a more comprehensive learning experience.

Declining Industry Support:

Over time, there has been a shift towards more modern and flexible standards like SCORM and xAPI, leading to declining industry support and updates for AICC.

Compatibility Issues:

Despite its focus on interoperability, there can still be compatibility issues when integrating AICC standards with modern learning platforms and technologies, which can limit their usefulness in current e-learning environments.

How is AICC relevant in today’s e-learning environment?

In today’s e-learning environment, AICC’s relevance has evolved. Although some of its technology aspects are outdated, the principles of interoperability and standardization it championed continue to influence modern e-learning frameworks. AICC’s early work laid the groundwork for subsequent standards like SCORM and xAPI, which have expanded upon and refined AICC’s initial concepts. While direct implementation of AICC standards has decreased, the legacy of ensuring compatibility and flexibility in e-learning content and systems remains a core aspect of current e-learning practices.

What makes an LMS AICC-compliant?

An LMS (Learning Management System) being AICC-compliant means that it adheres to the set of specifications developed by the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee (AICC). To be AICC-compliant, an LMS must meet several key criteria:

A. Course Structure Format:

The LMS must be able to support and understand the AICC’s Course Structure Format (CSF), which defines how course content and structure should be organized.

B. HTTP-based AICC/CMI Protocol:

The LMS should be capable of using the AICC’s HTTP-based Communication Mechanism Interface (CMI) protocol for communication between the course content and the LMS. This protocol specifies how data is sent back and forth.

C. Data Storage and Retrieval:

An AICC-compliant LMS must be able to store and retrieve data as specified by the AICC standards. This includes tracking learner progress, scores, and completion status.

D. Interoperability with AICC Packages:

The system should be able to import, launch, and correctly interpret AICC-compliant course packages. This ensures that courses developed with AICC guidelines can be effectively utilized within the LMS.

E. Compatibility with AICC Guidelines and Recommendations (AGRs):

The LMS should align with the AICC’s AGRs, which include various recommendations for computer-based training and e-learning in the aviation industry.

What makes learning material AICC-compliant?

Learning material is AICC-compliant if it follows the AICC’s Course Structure Format, ensuring organized and standardized content presentation. It must support the AICC’s HTTP-based Communication Mechanism Interface (CMI) for seamless interaction with compatible Learning Management Systems. The material should enable tracking of learner progress, scores, and completion statuses. It must be packaged to allow easy import into any AICC-compliant LMS, facilitating interoperability. This compliance ensures wide usability and integration across various e-learning platforms, particularly in aviation.

Becoming familiar with e-learning standards

To become familiar with e-learning standards, focus on understanding key standards like SCORM, xAPI, AICC, and cmi5, recognizing their unique features and applications. Delve into their historical development to appreciate their context and evolution in the digital learning landscape. Engage with technical documentation for in-depth knowledge of each standard’s specifications. Participate in online communities and educational events like workshops and webinars to gain practical insights and stay updated. Lastly, experiment with e-learning tools and platforms that support these standards, as hands-on experience is crucial for understanding their practical implementation.

Comparing AICC To Modern Technical Standards

AICC set early standards for e-learning interoperability, but modern standards like SCORM and xAPI have surpassed it in technology and functionality. SCORM standardizes communication between content and LMS, while xAPI tracks diverse learning experiences across platforms. AICC’s HTTP-based protocol is now overshadowed by xAPI’s advanced web technologies for detailed tracking. Modern standards offer greater flexibility, adapting to varied learning environments beyond traditional courses. The industry’s shift towards SCORM and xAPI reflects their enhanced capabilities and wider applicability.

Final Words

In conclusion, while AICC laid crucial foundational work in e-learning interoperability, modern standards like SCORM and xAPI have evolved to offer more advanced, flexible, and comprehensive solutions for today’s diverse learning environments. Paradiso LMS, as an example, integrates these advancements, ensuring AICC-compatibility while embracing newer standards for optimal e-learning experiences.

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