Case Study:

Retail Sector- Consumer Goods

Croma automates training for employees for
exceptional customer service using LMS

About the Client

Croma, a leading electronics retail megastore chain, has several outlets in diverse locations. It is a one-stop destination for electronics shopping in India. Present at various locations, it has a geographically diverse workforce and caters to a diverse customer base.

They focus on having tech-savvy staff, employees having complete product knowledge and readiness, and helping customers make the right choices. They focus on customer satisfaction, for which they understand the cruciality of training their employees. They understand that employee satisfaction is the first step to customer satisfaction and business growth.

LMS Training for a Diverse Workforce

Croma has faced challenges in training its diverse workforce across different geographical locations. Also, the company wanted to go digital so that employees could learn and train themselves even remotely. Finally, the company wanted to make learning quick and easy for learners so that on-the-job upskilling is available at their fingertips.

They wanted a training solution that could help learners take up learning courses on their own, complete them, and the system can provide consolidated reports. The switch to a digital platform for training was the right solution to what the company was looking for. They found the right match of their needs with Paradiso LMS.

  • Digitally Integrated Platform
  • Mobile Platform
  • Gamified Learning
  • White label LMS
  • Consolidated Reports

Online Training with Paradiso LMS

Croma now has Paradiso LMS as the digital platform to train its diverse workforce at different locations all through a single platform.

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Case Study: Summary

Case Study: Summary

Client’s-RequirementChallenges Faced

  • Croma wasn't able to provide training to a geographically diverse workforce..

  • They wanted to get rid of boring training by way of gamified learning.

  • They were looking out to impart on-the-go learning via Mobile LMS App.

  • Wanted to brand the LMS to hallmark their company image.

  • Lack of consolidated reports of training completion.

  • Inability to carry out advanced analytics to understand/the effectiveness of training results.

Challenges-FacedOur Solutions

    SAP HRIS- LMS Integration

  • Users in the HRIS were synced with the LMS.

  • The job positions and roles are synced with the LMS.

  • Courses synced with the Profile of the user.

  • SAP HRIS- LMS Integration

  • Paradiso LMS provided mobile compatibility with tablets and smartphones.

  • The LMS provided personalization and customization to provide brand identity.

  • Paradiso dealt with course creation, gamified courses, quizzes in courses, etc.

  • Mobile App enabled to view word, pdf, and ppt files.

  • Mobile App also allows users to download salary slips, see their leave balance, etc.


  • Gamified LMS fitted the idea of incentive-based training that Croma was looking for.

  • The effectiveness of training imparted improved drastically, and information retention got better.

  • Mobile App learning made learning easy and saw higher completion rates.

  • The HRIS integration enabled users to take courses and obtain certificates linked to their profiles.

  • The admin functions became easy and less prone to errors.

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