LMS Pricing Comparison

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LMS pricing Comparison?

Guide to LMS Pricing Comparison: Finding the Right eLearning Platform

Companies and institutions are realizing the importance of using e-learning strategies that engage and motivate employees and students. However, these strategies can be costly and take up a significant portion of the annual budget. Therefore, organizations need to do an LMS Pricing Comparison before choosing an LMS or eLearning software to find a cost-effective platform.

The price of an LMS can determine whether a company can afford it. Make sure the eLearning company you choose offers flexible and adaptable LMS pricing plans. Besides the price, the features included are crucial when selecting a Learning Management System.

List the main features and functionalities you need, compare them with each plan’s offerings, and choose the best option.

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How to Accurately Compare LMS Pricing and Avoid Hidden Costs

Can you trust generic LMS Pricing comparison

You can visit many eLearning companies’ websites and find tables showing pricing based on the number of users. This might make you feel confident if you find a low price that fits your needs. But are you sure that’s all you need?

Often, you need custom work, extra users for certain months, add-ons, and integrations. Eventually, you might discover that the final cost is much higher than the initial price you saw. So, what should you do?

Create an LMS checklist or an LMS RFP/RFI and contact at least four eLearning companies to respond to your requirements. Make sure to describe your use case and include all the features, integrations, and add-ons you need. Then, after receiving the pricing based on these details, you can make an informed LMS pricing comparison.

Free LMS Request For Proposal (RFP) Template
LMS pricing Models/plans

Exploring LMS Pricing Plans and Models: Options for Every Client’s Needs

Below are various LMS pricing options, adaptable to the needs, possibilities, and scope of each client. These are commonly offered by the most well-known Learning Management Systems:


You can acquire the LMS paying for a specific number of users. This payment method is useful for companies that know the exact number of users that would be taking the eLearning content. This pricing plan works if training in your company is mandatory.

Comparison on basis of Pay per users


pricing on pay per active users

The users that would be taking the courses could vary with the passing of the weeks and this also influences the price of the LMS software. Contrary to the previous price model, the payment by active users offers the possibility to pay, not for all the user registered, just for active users. You will only be charged for the users that log into the system and take the courses during the pay period.


This payment method lets you pay an LMS license for a year or month, with an unlimited amount of users, no matter if they are constantly active or coming and going in the LMS. The Learning Management System comes with the usual features as part of the license along with support, training times and other specifications. Any custom work could be an extra charge.


Dedicated Client Service

Dedicated Client Service

We are a dedicated team of experts that provide you with consultation, planning, execution, and end-user support concerning training services. We focus on client needs and provide the necessary support for the highest level of client satisfaction.


The one payment model normally applies when the software company develops an On-Premise or Self-Hosted LMS that adapts only to that client’s needs. It comes with support and some months of guarantee to make sure that the system works correctly. The LMS would be host in the client’s server.

one payment only


Provides free LMS

A good LMS company usually offers a free version that the client can test. It is normally a basic LMS System, with some limitations, where the user can play and try the main features. Paradiso offers a Free LMS as a great option for beginners or even small companies that require simple training with a great eLearning tool. Ours is one of the fullest free versions of Learning Management Systems including these features with up to 50 users:

Why Choose Paradiso LMS?

Paradiso LMS, Feature-rich, easy to use, with 100+ integrations, and superior support, turn your requirements into reality and makes your entire training process more smooth and efficient than ever before.

SCORM Web Services - PLMS API 360 Feedback
Custom Themes Social Learning Users Management
Advanced reporting Assessments (Tests) Feedback
Certification and Transcripts Performance Management Competency management
Sandbox Email Notifications Course Management
Attendance Gamification UI Customization
AICC Learning Paths Discussion forum
Repositories 75+ Languages Course Catalog with 5000 courses
Blended learning SOC2 Security Custom Roles and Permissions
Onboarding support
100+Integrations Robust Support Extended Enterprise (Multitenant)
Course Catalog with 5000 courses HRMS Sync ERP Sync
Web conferencing/ Virtual training Social Sign-On Authoring Tool
eCommerce Interactive videos Interactive Content
LMS Pricing FAQs

Learning Management System Pricing FAQs

What’s included with Paradiso LMS?

Paradiso LMS includes Gamification, Social Learning, Blended Learning, Mobile Learning, Advanced Reporting, Scorm / AICC / Tin Can Compatible, Learning Paths, Performance Management, Custom Branding, Certifications.

How do I pay for my Paradiso LMS Licences ?

We accept all major credit cards which are processed using a secure payment gateway. Wire transfer is also accepted and payments are processed on a monthly or annual basis.

Are there any additionals charges ?

Based on your project our development team may need to meet some extra requirements, so some additional charges could be applicable.

What training will I receive ?

We will provide you with primary training to get you started with Paradiso LMS.

What happens when I exceed the number of users I have purchased? Will new users be able to register?

Yes, the new users can continue registering and using the platform. The users will not know that you have exceeded the limit. As an administrator, you will be notified and Paradiso Solutions is able to accordingly make the pricing/plan changes without interrupting your business.

What are your hours of support ?

Monday through Friday, 9am to 7pm U.S. EST, emergencies are supported 24/7/365.

What happens if I reach maximum number of active users ?

You will be charged a fee for each additional user that accesses Paradiso LMS. You can either pay for each extra active user on monthly basis or upgrade to next “slot” or “plan”.

With the pricing is it possible to upload all file formats ?

You can rapidly build training courses by uploading your existing training material. Upload your Videos, PowerPoint presentations, PDF, Word, Excel and other related training documents, Paradiso LMS is also Scorm / AICC / Tin Can Compatible.

Why should I pay monthly instead of yearly ?

If the amount of Active Users changes from month to month, a monthly subscription will meet your needs. If the Active Users will remain stable over 12 months then a yearly subscription will be perfect for you. By choosing to pay yearly you get 30% discount compared to paying monthly.


Is Multi-Tenant feature included in the standard pricing ?

Multi-Tenancy is an additional feature that allows you to run extended enterprise learning projects. Contact us for more information.

Can I reuse Active Users?

You can re-use an Active User slot by suspending the dormant user and recycle it for new enrollments.

Do I have to download any software ?

No. There is no software to download – Paradiso LMS is a hosted, on-demand training system. You can access, deliver and track training from anywhere – all you need is an internet connection.

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