Training Event Management Software

For end-to-end control over the entire event lifecycle




Mobile App

Training Event Management Software – Benefits

Training Event Management Software

Event Registrations

Our training event management software lets you manage events on the go, on any platform. Experience hassle free, smooth event registrations with our event management solution that combines advanced functionality with a user-friendly user interface, allowing you to design a specialized registration process for your audience.

Venue Management

Check out our training event management software that manages all things ‘venue’. Complete web based solution to allow your customers to book events 24/7, through the website, mobile & social media.

Event Management Software
Training Events Management Software

Staff Management

With Paradiso’s training event management software you can easily assign tasks that need to be carried out by the event staff. After all the success of your event will depend on how well event staff carry out their allocated tasks.

Attendee Management

Provide your attendees an enriching, stress-free experience, from registration to post-event. Our training event management software ensures your attendees exactly that.

Training Event Management Platform
Event Management Platform

All Device Compatible

Our training event management software runs across desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. Helps you plan your events on the go, while reducing the overall costs.

Training Event Management Software – Features

Event Management Platform


Simplify your event registrations and manage registration for events of all sizes with Paradiso’s training event management software. It’s the fastest way to get your events up and running.

Events Management Software


Opt for our affordable training event management software that lets you keep total control of your ticket prices and fees. It enables options to pre-buy/book tickets for upcoming training events.

Training Events Management Software


We can connect with any secure online payment gateway, for you to make collecting event fees easy. Paradiso doesn’t take the cut, but sends the event registration payments directly into your bank account.

Event Management Software


Paradiso’s training event management software enables dynamic discounting solution that has been designed to meet the needs of high volume and high value transactions of events.

Events Management Software


Keep track of all the specialized details related to attendee management, like who is attending which event, what fee do they pay, where do they sit, who has received invitations, who was RSVP’d etc.

Training Event Management Platform


Gather all the attendee information in the platform so you can communicate with them before or after the event. Now that’s sales management in event management for you.

Our Event Management System Integrates with

Our event management software integrates with Paradiso LMS

where you can manage all types of learning including elearning, blended, virtual and classroom.

Mobile Ticketing App

Our event app allows you to transform your Android and/or Apple mobile device into an onsite training event management tool.

With our mobile ticket scanning system you can validate tickets and track attendees.

You will have the ability to:

Training Event Management Software

Manage check-ins

at the door of your events

Training Event Management Software

Scan tickets

Training Event Management Software

Check attendees in/out

of event

Training Event Management Software


Training Event Management Software

Generate an attendance list

Training Event Management Software

Export that list to a CSV file

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