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What Is Computer-based Training? What Are Its Upsides and How Can You Implement It In Your Company?

What is Computer Based Training?

Computer-Based Training (CBT) refers to a type of learning or training that is delivered through a computer or electronic device. It involves using technology to provide educational materials, interactive activities, and assessments to learners. CBT allows individuals to learn at their own pace, interact with multimedia content, and receive immediate feedback. It can cover a wide range of subjects and is often used for employee training, educational courses, or skill development programs. In simple terms, CBT is a way of using computers to deliver educational content and help people learn new things or improve existing skills.

Pros and Cons of Computer based training

  1. Pros of Computer-Based Training:

    • Flexibility: – CBT allows learners to access training materials anytime and anywhere, as long as they have a computer or electronic device with an internet connection. This flexibility enables individuals to learn at their own pace and fit training into their busy schedules.
    • Interactive Learning: – CBT often includes interactive elements such as multimedia presentations, simulations, quizzes, and games. These interactive features engage learners and enhance their understanding and retention of the material.
    • Cost-Effective: – CBT eliminates the need for physical classroom spaces, printed materials, and travel expenses, making it a cost-effective training solution for organizations. It also reduces the time and resources spent on training administration.
    • Personalized Learning: – CBT can adapt to the individual needs and preferences of learners. It can provide personalized learning paths, allowing users to focus on specific topics or areas of interest. This customization enhances the effectiveness of the training by addressing individual learning styles and knowledge gaps.
    • Scalability: – CBT can easily accommodate large numbers of learners simultaneously. Organizations can deliver training to a geographically dispersed workforce or a large customer base without logistical constraints.
  2. Cons of Computer-Based Training:

    • Limited Human Interaction: – CBT lacks face-to-face interaction with instructors and fellow learners. Some individuals may prefer the social aspect of traditional classroom environments or require personalized guidance from a teacher.
    • Technical Issues: – Technical glitches, such as internet connectivity problems or software malfunctions, can disrupt the learning experience. Learners may encounter difficulties accessing or navigating the training materials, leading to frustration and decreased productivity.
    • Self-Motivation and Discipline: – CBT requires learners to be self-motivated and disciplined to complete the training independently. Some individuals may struggle with self-directed learning and benefit more from the structure and accountability provided by traditional classroom settings.
    • Limited Hands-on Practice: – Certain skills or subjects may require hands-on practice or real-world application. While simulations and virtual labs can partially address this limitation, some practical aspects of training may be challenging to replicate in a computer-based environment.
    • Accessibility and Inclusion: – Not all individuals may have equal access to the necessary technology or internet connectivity for CBT. This can create barriers to participation, particularly for those from disadvantaged backgrounds or areas with limited infrastructure.

Examples of Computer Based Training

  • Webinars and Web-Based Training: – Webinars are live or pre-recorded online presentations or workshops that allow participants to join remotely. They often include interactive elements such as polls, Q&A sessions, and chat features. Webinars are used for a variety of training purposes, including product demonstrations, industry updates, and professional development sessions.
  • eLearning Courses: – eLearning refers to online courses delivered through a learning management system (LMS). These courses typically include multimedia content, such as videos, interactive modules, quizzes, and assessments. Learners can access the courses at their convenience, track their progress, and receive certificates upon completion.
  • Video Training: – Video-based training involves the use of instructional videos to deliver training content. Videos can demonstrate procedures, provide visual explanations, and showcase real-world examples. Video training is particularly effective for practical skills, such as equipment operation, physical techniques, or assembly processes.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Training: – VR-based training immerses learners in a simulated environment using virtual reality headsets. This technology allows individuals to engage in realistic scenarios and interact with virtual objects, providing hands-on training experiences. VR training is commonly used in industries such as healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing.
  • Gamified Training:Gamification involves incorporating game elements into training programs to increase engagement and motivation. Computer-based gamified training can include leaderboards, badges, rewards, and progress tracking to make the learning experience more enjoyable and interactive.
  • Simulations and Virtual Labs: – Simulations and virtual labs provide a safe and controlled environment for learners to practice skills or conduct experiments. They can simulate real-world scenarios, such as emergency situations, scientific experiments, or complex simulations in fields like engineering or logistics.

Benefits of Computer Based Training

  • Flexibility and Accessibility: – Computer-based training offers learners the flexibility to access training materials anytime and anywhere. Learners can progress at their own pace, accommodating different learning styles and schedules. This flexibility allows for convenient access to training, particularly for individuals with busy lifestyles or those located in different geographical regions. Additionally, CBT can be designed to be accessible to learners with disabilities, ensuring inclusivity and equal opportunities for all.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: – Computer-based training can be a cost-effective solution for organizations. It eliminates the need for travel expenses, physical training venues, printed materials, and instructor fees. With CBT, training materials can be created once and delivered to multiple learners, reducing overall training costs. Additionally, updates and revisions to training content can be easily implemented, ensuring the information remains up to date without incurring significant expenses.
  • Consistent and Standardized Training: – Computer-based training provides a consistent and standardized learning experience for all learners. Training materials are designed to be uniform and comprehensive, ensuring that each learner receives the same information and knowledge. This consistency is particularly crucial in industries where compliance and regulatory requirements need to be met. CBT ensures that all learners are trained in the same set of skills and knowledge, maintaining quality and compliance standards throughout the organization.

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How to implement computer-based training

Implementing computer-based training involves several key steps. Here’s a high-level overview of the process:

  • Webinars and Web-Based Training: Webinars are live or pre-recorded online presentations or workshops that allow participants to join remotely. They often include interactive elements such as polls, Q&A sessions, and chat features. Webinars are used for a variety of training purposes, including product demonstrations, industry updates, and professional development sessions.
  • Identify Training Goals: Define the specific objectives and goals of the training program. Determine what knowledge, skills, or behaviors you want learners to acquire or improve through computer-based training.
  • Assess Training Needs: Conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the target audience, their existing knowledge or skill gaps, and any specific requirements or challenges they may have.
  • Select or Develop Content: Determine whether existing training materials, such as presentations, documents, or videos, can be adapted for computer-based training or if new content needs to be created.
  • Choose a Learning Management System (LMS): Select a suitable Learning Management System like Paradiso LMS to deliver and manage the computer-based training system.
  • Design the User Experience: Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface for learners to navigate through the training materials. Ensure that the content is organized logically and that learners can easily access different modules, sections, or assessments.
  • Implement Interactivity: Incorporate interactive elements, such as quizzes, simulations, case studies, and branching scenarios, to actively engage learners and reinforce their understanding of the content. Interactive elements enhance learner participation and retention.
  • Pilot Test and Evaluate: Conduct a pilot test of the computer-based training with a small group of learners. Gather feedback from participants to identify any areas that need improvement or adjustments.
  • Deploy and Launch: Once the training content and delivery platform are finalized, deploy the computer-based training to the target audience. Communicate the availability and benefits of the training to learners and provide instructions on how to access and navigate through the training materials.
  • Monitor and Support: Monitor learner progress, track completion rates, and provide ongoing support to learners throughout the training process. Address any technical issues promptly and ensure learners have access to the necessary resources or assistance.
  • Evaluate and Update: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the computer-based training based on learner feedback, performance metrics, and the achievement of training goals. Make necessary updates or revisions to the content to keep it relevant and aligned with evolving training needs.


Computer-based training offers timeless benefits of flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and standardized learning. Its ability to provide accessible and adaptable training experiences makes it a valuable tool for individuals and organizations seeking effective and efficient learning solutions in the digital age.