Unlimited User LMS

Discover the potential of cloud and on-premise unlimited user LMS to increase the ROI

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On-premise and Cloud Based Unlimited User LMS 

Today, a learning management system is one of the most widely used software in businesses to help with productivity, scalability, and employee retention. It’s also necessary because it allows for self-paced and continuous learning in any industry.

As a result, LMSs are used by many organizations, including large corporations, non-profits, and even government agencies. On-premise and cloud hosting are the two types of hosting. Let’s discuss the benefits and drawbacks of cloud based unlimited user LMS.

Key features and benefits of a Cloud based

unlimited user LMS

Install and use quickly

Install and use quickly

Cloud based unlimited user LMSs do not require complex installation processes so that you can create your portal, create courses, and manage enrollments from the start. As cloud-based unlimited user LMS resemble social media platforms, they're easier to use.



Paradiso cloud unlimited users LMS is a long-term investment for large organizations or small startups because it's easily scalable. They also let you manage and promote users, so everyone gets the necessary online training.



Cloud-based unlimited user LMS lets you and your students access the software from mobile devices. Cloud-based systems offer real-time reporting. Learners can train on any device, which increases adoption and training completion.

Training Simplification

Training Simplification

A cloud-based solution can automate course delivery, registration, assignments, and completion. Cloud-based LMSs are easy to use and user-focused, allowing learners to access training materials from anywhere, anytime.



A globally distributed workforce can access learning programs from a centralized repository, ensuring content consistency, delivery, and evaluation across geographies. Using a cloud based unlimited user LMS, your team can work on tasks, upload them to the system, and use feedback tools.

Key features and benefits of Cloud-Based Unlimited User LMS

Quick Fixes

Quick Fixes

You can rely on an in-house professional team for changes, downtime, and maintenance. The in-house team can permanently close the gap while working on-premise. This ensures maximum server security for the on-premise unlimited user LMS.

Data Security

Data Security

On-premise unlimited user LMS has an advantage. Since an on-premise LMS sits in your data center, you retain complete control of who and how employees can access the system. You also have direct control over your data.



On-premise unlimited user LMSs like Paradiso LMS are ‘once-paid-for software’. Only the initial setup cost is high; the rest is no big deal. Hosting LMS on-site can save a company monthly rental fee making the on-premise unlimited LMS users save money.

Customization is not limited

Customization is not limited

In terms of customization, Paradiso On-Premise unlimited user LMS gives organizations more options. For example, custom user interfaces and reports can be created to meet the organization's business needs.

Improved Results

Improved Results

Compared to a basic cloud LMS, a self-hosted LMS will usually provide better performance. This is because a self-hosted LMS does not share its server with any other entity and all of its servers are within its enterprise network.

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On-Premise or Cloud based LMS which one for you?

Do we want to go beyond the “it depends” response? Granted, it all depends on your specific requirements, but some suggestions may be helpful.

If you want to do the following, an on-premise LMS might be the best option for you:

Take charge

you have complete control over your system and data, and no one else is in charge of your LMS.

An extra
layer of security

while clouds are secure, businesses dealing with sensitive data that must never leak should keep it all within their walls.


maintenance will be easier and faster if you can afford a ready-to-work IT team.


unreliable internet connections will no longer be an issue.

A Cloud based unlimited user LMS might be the best option if you want to do the following:


not all businesses can wait for their system to be ready, and a private cloud solution will be available sooner than a locally installed system.

learning flexibility

online means that any laptop computer with internet access can connect to it. For accessibility, learning on tablets and smartphones can be added.

An LMS that
is future-ready

majority of LMSs are now cloud-based. Scaling is also a breeze with a cloud-based LMS.

Fewer expenses
and worries

delegating operations to other professionals reduces IT resource spending. Your current IT staff will have fewer concerns.

Paradiso Cloud and On-Premise based unlimited user LMS is the perfect choice for taking your corporate training to the next level cost-effectively in no time.



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Empower your training initiative

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