Paradiso eLearning Blog

Moodle Drupal – eCommerce Solution – All your needs in one place!

Moodle Drupal – eCommerce Solution


Totara Drupal

Paradiso Solutions developed a solution for thinking in the best way to achieve and solve a very frequent problem . How can I have a platform where I have my CMS, LMS and eCommerce all in one place? How can I have a platform where all my customers only have to log in once and have access to all my content, purchase, and use all in a friendly environment?

This is an example of what Paradiso Solutions can do for you in order to achieve that goal with Moodle and Drupal united.

1) Easy and friendly Login Area

Social Login

2) Friendly and simple Registration Process


3) Same look And feel through all the integrated platform


Drupal eCommerce


Drupal CMS

Moodle LMS or Totara LMS

With this integration you will have reports of your sales , detailed information of your students and a great environment that will provide an extra value for your company , making you and your customers experience easier than ever.



Moodle Drupal eCommerce ( Totara Drupal)


eCommerce and eLearning are strangers who have just met and fell in love , as I like to describe them.
eLearning is rapidly growing and along with that growth is the need to have profit out of the courses offered in the LMS. eCommerce luckily found a way to jump in with eLearning where together they are creating and giving access to users to have everything in one place. eCommerce integrated with eLearning enables uses to ACCESS,REGISTER,BROWSE,PURCHASE, and USE the purchased course.


CALL us now at +1 800 513 5902 to talk with an LMS expert today, EMAIL us here or CHAT by clicking on the bottom RIGHT side!